Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 5

Now that we have a child, we are learning that you end up going to at least one birthday party a month.  This month it was for the twin boys in our neighborhood (they are about 6 weeks older than Carter).  Nothing better than messy frosting on your first birthday!

Photo Details:
Exposure time 1/60 sec, Aperture f/1.4 ISO 400, Focal Length 50 mm, Lens Canon EF 50mm, handheld

Why This Photo:
LOVE Nate's eyes and the color of the frosting and his bib.  The expression on his face is so serious, like he is trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

Challenges/Lessons Learned:
For this shot I used natural light, the rest of the shots I used with a flash.  While I prefer natural light shots more, I need to start working more with the flash!

Carter Photo Of The Week:

It's all about Superbowl and here is my handsome man enjoying the game in his Seahawks jersey!

Photo Details:
Exposure time 1/80 sec, Aperture f/1.8 ISO 400, Focal Length 50 mm, Lens Canon EF 50mm, handheld

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