Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 10

Finding time for photography weekly is becoming more and more of a challenge. Our lives are so incredibly busy, especially this time of year, that the demands of work and home end up taking precedence. This week’s photo is a cute one of Carter as he played peek-a-boo in our tall recycling can.

Photo Details:
Exposure time 1/200 sec, Aperture f/1.8 ISO 200, Focal Length 50 mm, Lens Canon EF 50mm

Why This Photo:
This is the best one that I took out of the dozen or so that I shot.

Challenges/Lessons Learned:
I had a “duh” moment last week as I was thinking through some of my earlier photography where Carter’s cheeks has a slight graininess to them. The ISO was set too high, contributing to that, so now I am trying to keep my ISO under 400 if at all possible. With this particular photo, I put the can next to our sliding glass door to get good natural light, but the end result was blowing out the exposure on one side of Carters face, and a shadow on the other. While I don’t mind some over exposure and shadow for interesting photos, this one is too much. I needed to adjust my settings for less light next time (ideally the Aperture so that my depth of field was just a bit more).

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week 9

I passed my stomach virus along to Jeremy this week, so I ended up flying solo with Carter to my Uncle Al's 75th Birthday party.  I am REALLY happy with my backpack camera bag, especially when I have a baby bag strapped over my head and a kid and blanket in my arms!  Anywho, here is an adorable shot of Grandpa and Carter, hanging out at the party.

Photo Details:
Exposure time 1/250 sec, Aperture f/2.8 ISO 400, Focal Length 50 mm, Lens Canon EF 50mm, handheld with flash bounced off of ceiling.

Why This Photo:
I finally got a really good photo of Grandpa with Carter, of course I had to post that!

Challenges/Lessons Learned:
Getting the lighting right was a challenge, I still am not confident with a flash.  The left side of Grandpa's face was in a shadow from how I bounced the light, so I had to adjust the exposure post-processing.  Also there was a person above Carter's head in the background that I tried to pull out.  I am really loving Lightroom!

Week 8

Nuthin.  Sorry, I have nothing to post for this week - we were battling a stomach virus, I had to travel for work and sadly, photos were not taking priority this week.